Adam Łukawski

Adam Łukawski

I am a music composer and computer programmer, working and innovating at the nexus of computer-assisted music composition and posthuman artistic research. My work, deeply engaged with aleatoric and generative methods, explores the integration of AI and blockchain technologies for creating novel compositional frameworks and enhancing musical interactivity.

I am a doctoral fellow in the MetamusicX research group at the Orpheus Institute in Ghent and a PhD candidate at the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts of Leiden University. As a lecturer, I participate in numerous international scientific and artistic events and teach a Master's elective course "Posthuman Creativity Labs: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain in Music" at Conservatorium van Amsterdam. As a computer programmer, I gained experience working for several start-ups and at the Polish Information Processing Society. Since 2023, I have been a member of the expert group of the Polish Ministry of Education and Sciences (MEiN) advising on the use of AI in education. With this group, we have recently published a guide on the use of AI in education. Recently, I co-edited (with Paulo de Assis) a new book "Decentralised Music: Exploring Blockchain for Artistic Research" (CRC Press / Taylor & Francis). I also minted my third generative music NFT project "Subtraction" on fx(hash).

I studied Music Composition at Conservatorium van Amsterdam and at Guildhall School of Music & Drama in London, with Julian Anderson, Richard Ayres, and Willem Jeths. I wrote works for ensembles including Exaudi Vocal Ensemble (click here to listen to their release of my "Hypnagogia" by Donemus Records), Maat Saxophone Quartet, Score Collective, and often collaborated in an interdisciplinary context with graphic artists, dancers, choreographers and theatre directors. Some of my works are published by Donemus Publishing in The Hague and were programmed for The Dutch National Opera & Ballet in Amsterdam (Opera Forward Festival), Muziekgebouw aan't IJ in Amsterdam, Splendor Amsterdam (Gesti Festival), Muziekhuis in Utrecht (Gaudeamus Festival), Concert Hall of The Polish Radio Philharmonic Orchestra in Warsaw (In Modo di Lutosławski), Barbican Milton Court in London, London Contemporary Dance School (The Place), Ehrbar Hall in Vienna.